Abstract Submission


Abstracts are invited for posters for display at the 11th East Midlands Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine Conference, to be held on 10th and 11th October 2024 in Nottingham.  Abstracts should describe work performed which relates to critical care or perioperative medicine.

The closing date for abstract submission is Monday 2nd September 2024.

If selected, you will be asked to produce a poster for the meeting, which will be held in hybrid format. The final decision on posters rests with the judging panel and candidates will be notified by Friday 13th September 2024. If you have been selected to produce a poster, you will not be required to attend the meeting; however, if you would like to attend, you will be given free delegate registration for both days.

The judges will then further select up to 5 candidates to give an oral presentation in person at the meeting. Those who have been selected to present orally will be given free delegate registration for both days.


The competition is open to medical students, foundation doctors, anaesthetists in training, SAS doctors and ACPs in critical care.


  • 1st prize: £500
  • 2nd prize £250
  • 3rd Prize £125

All who are invited to produce a poster will receive a certificate

How to enter

  • Submit a copy of your abstract, as an attachment to abstracts@midlandsmedicalconferences.org along with a signed copy of the form below
  • Please ensure you follow the abstract preparation guidelines below, as failure to do so could result in your entry being disqualified from the competition.